سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

آگهی و تبلیغات


Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam

Mazafati dates are one of the oldest cultivated fruits in Iran. Different types of dates are Kharg Date, Piarom Dates, Mazafati Dates that vary in terms of sugar content.

The colors of dates are either bright yellow or red before being ripe and while becoming ripe, their color is of the yellowish brown. Dates can be used in both fresh and dried kind. The fresh dates are soft and dried ones are stiff and have less moisture.

The amount of carbohydrates, calcium and iron in dried dates are more than fresh dates, although fresh dates have the higher amount of vitamin C.

Some health professionals say eating one date per day is good and necessary for health.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for face skin:

Flavonoids can be useful for preventing and treating skin problems such as acne and its scars, dates are also a source of antioxidants that can prevent premature aging and wrinkles on the skin.

Dates also help improve wounds and skin damages.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for hair

Dates contain some vitamins, especially vitamin B5 that is essential to have healthy hair, deficiency of this vitamin can cause problems such as hair loss and dry and fragile hair.

Scalp and hair massage with palm kernel oil increases hair growth






Cinnamon Properties for Skin & Hair: Also read

Amazing Pharmaceutical Benefits and Properties of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for healthy

Benefits and Properties of Mazafati Date for Babies and Children:

Dates are one of the most nutritious foods for babies and children; dates contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the growth of your baby and child.

Dates are useful for strengthening the gums and teeth of children.

Dates are useful for the treatment of reflux and constipation in children.

Also, taking the dates for newborns and children increases their natural weight.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam During Pregnancy for Pregnant Women and Embryos:

Taking Dates have a lot of benefits during pregnancy; dates are rich in iron and useful to avoid anemia in pregnant women and embryo.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Heart:

Dates are a rich source of potassium that reduces the risk of heart attack and other heart-related diseases. In addition, the dates reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Bodybuilding:

Dates are rich in protein and are one of the most nutritious foods for strengthening muscle and increasing energy during bodybuilding and athletic exercises.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Constipation and Diarrhea:

Dates are often known as lubricant foods, which is why their eating is recommended for people with constipation. Dates contain high levels of soluble fiber, which is essential for improving bowel movements and easy transfer of food through the intestine and eliminating the signs of constipation.

On the other hand, potassium and soluble fiber are suitable for controlling and treating diarrhea.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure:

Dates can reduce triglycerides and high blood cholesterol level. Also, dates are rich in potassium and fiber, which can lead to lower blood pressure.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Osteoporosis:

Considerable amounts of minerals in dates have made them an excellent source of bone strengthening and the fight against painful and debilitating diseases such as osteoporosis.

Dates and allergies

One of the most important minerals in date is Sulfur that is suitable for reducing allergic reactions and seasonal allergies.

Research has shown that sulfur compounds can have a positive effect on the treatment of seasonal allergic reactions.

Mazafati Dates and Poisoning

Dates are usually used as a treatment for alcohol poisoning. Is it useful for diabetes or harmful, the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam?

Research has shown that the date has low glycemic index and does not increase blood glucose, so people with diabetes can take the dates moderately.

Ginger Properties: Read also

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Obesity and Weight Gain:

If you are lean and you want to increase your weight or strengthen your muscles, it is better to take dates in your diet.

The Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for Cancer Treatment

Research has shown that taking dates is beneficial in preventing various cancers of the stomach, kidney cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer and colorectal cancer.

The Mazafati Date of Iran, Bam for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be due to inadequate fiber intake; date can be used to prevent and treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to its high fiber content.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date Syrup of Iran, Bam and its Recipe:

Date syrup contains high levels of iron that is useful for the treatment of anemia and its high fiber is effective in the treatment of constipation.

The recipe of date syrup of Iran, Bam

Soak some dates in the water for one night, remove its kernel, and then pour them in a blender and let them mix well, filtrate it from the filter, the date syrup is ready.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Date Kernel of Iran, Bam:

The palm kernel has many benefits, including the prevention of damage to the treatment of diabetes and its complications, the treatment of diseases and Viral DNA infection and prevent kidney’s and liver’s damage.

Properties and Benefits of the Mazafati Palm Kernel Oil of Iran, Bam:

Palm kernel oil contains fatty acids that are beneficial for health; palm kernel oil is helpful in protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays of the sun, helping to grow hair and treat hair loss. In addition, palm kernel oil is also useful for preventing dandruff and treating dry and brittle hair


